Graduation Regalia
Product Description
Bachelor's graduation tassels. The color of your tassel is corresponds to your college/major. Refer to the list below to determine your tassel color.
College of Science and Engineering - Gold
College of Business and Economics - Drab
College of Fine and Performing Arts
- Art/Art History - White
- Design - White
- Music - Pink
- Theater/Dance - Gold/Red/Yale
Fairhaven College - Purple/White
College of the Environment - Forest Green/Yale
Woodring College of Education
- Education - Light Blue
- Nursing - Apricot
- Human Services - Citron
College of Humanities and Social Sciences - White*
*See exceptions below
- Communication Studies - Silver
- Journalism & Public Relations- Red
- Physical Education - Sage
- Health - Sage
- Recreation - Sage
- Kinesiology - Sage
University Interdisciplinary Programs - White